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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

What We Do

ISMSolutions’ senior engineers and scientists have proven expertise and demonstrated experience in cradle-to-grave programs and projects for nuclear weapons production, nuclear engineering and operations and environmental clean-up. The continuity of experience provided dates back to the Atomic Energy Commission timeframe and continues through today. Our team provides results oriented services to the government, its contractors and the private sector. We specialize in assessing the health of government and contractor organizations and operations, enabling us to provide objective solutions and guidance to assist our clients in delivering quality and sustainable results safely, consistently and cost-effectively.

ISMSolutions’ Services and Expertise

Nuclear Safety Licensing & Operations

  • Nuclear regulations, licensing and standards
  • Nuclear safety analysis (consequence / risk analysis)
  • Safety basis implementation (TSR, OSR, JCO, USQD)
  • Criticality safety
  • Radiological controls
  • Fire protection engineering
  • Conduct of operations
  • Work control & work planning
  • Waste storage, packaging and transportation

Environmental & Regulatory Compliance

  • Regulatory policies, requirements and standards (NRC, EPA, RCRA, CERCLA, OSHA, NEPA, State)
  • Regulatory compliance, including NRC licensing support
  • Environmental protection, monitoring, surveillance and oversight
  • Nuclear safety enforcement program / policy [Price Anderson Amendment Act (PAAA)]
  • Advancing and licensing new nuclear power plants
  • Permitting programs
  • Interaction with federal, state and local government and regulatory agencies

Program / Project Management

  • Project reviews – Technical Readiness Assessments, Independent Project / External Project Reviews (IPR / EIR), Construction Project Reviews (CPRs)
  • Preparing critical decisions documents including project execution plans, risk management plans, acquisition strategy, safety design strategy, safety design reports and tailoring strategy
  • Project planning, budget, estimating and scheduling
  • Project controls
  • Earned Value Management System (EVMS)
  • Performance incentive development
  • Life cycle cost estimates

Nuclear Safety Culture

  • Safety Conscious Work Environment (SCWE)
  • Human Performance Improvement (HPI)
  • Employee concerns program
  • Risk communication

Strategic & Acquisition Planning

  • Source Evaluation Board (SEB) support
  • Contracting Officers/Contracting Officer Representatives support
  • Preparing RFPs; RFIs; Strategic and acquisition planning
  • Bid proposal preparation and review including coaching for orals
  • Contract transition

Safety, Health, & Quality Assurance

  • Radiological protection
  • Occupational safety (10CFR851 program)
  • Industrial hygiene
  • Occupational medicine
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Fire protection
  • Quality assurance (NQA-1, ISO 9001, DOE Order 414.1D)
  • Commercial grade dedication
  • Vendor procurement
  • Root cause analysis (e.g., MORT, REASON)
  • Accident / event investigation (Type A, B)


  • Systems engineering & integration
  • Design reviews
  • Configuration management
  • Maintenance program
  • Instrumentation & Controls
  • Nuclear facility operations
  • Nuclear explosive operations
  • Research, development & testing
  • Advanced nuclear engineering design

Management / Independent Reviews / Readiness Reviews

  • Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) program development and validation
  • Performance assurance
  • Independent technical and management assessments
  • Operational Readiness Reviews (ORRs)
  • Readiness Assessments
  • Line management reviews
  • Inspections & audits
  • Operational testing program
  • Equipment qualification / acceptance testing
  • Procedure development
  • Mentoring program
  • Requirements tailoring / streamlining

Safeguards & Security

  • Nuclear material accountability
  • Safeguard and security assessments
  • Radiological and toxicological sabotage vulnerability assessments
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections
  • Transportation security