Brian Oldfield
Proven Experience
Brian Oldfield has more than thirty years of experience in the nuclear industry including radiation protection, facility operations, nuclear safety, fire protection, occupational safety & health, and environmental programs. He has performed in various capacities within the DOE complex as a Facility Manager; Radiation Protection Director; Waste, Characterization, NDA, and Safeguards Director; Fire Protection Director; and Safety & Health/RadCon/Environmental Manager.
Mr. Oldfield has an M.S. in Environmental Science, Radiological Safety Option, from Washington State University and a B.S. in Biology from Eastern Washington University.
Sustainable Results
As the Safety & Health/RadCon/Environmental Manager for the 300 Area End States Project, Central Plateau Cleanup Company, Mr. Oldfield was responsible for implementing all aspects of the project’s safety and health, radiation protection, and environmental programs.
As Fire Protection Director for CH2MHill Plateau Remediation Company, Mr. Oldfield was responsible for overall implementation of the company’s Fire Protection program. He was recognized by DOE-HQ assessors for improvements made to the program.
Mr. Oldfield managed four key programs necessary for safe deactivation of the PFP complex as Waste, Characterization, NDA, and Safeguards Director for CHPRC. He completed radiological characterization of several major PFP systems and structures and achieved safeguards termination and criticality incredibility status necessary to begin demolition.
As Facility Manager of the Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility, Mr. Oldfield was responsible for all aspects of the safe and efficient operation of a Hazard Category 2 Nuclear Facility. In this capacity, he implemented numerous facility safety upgrades and provided compliant management of the significant cesium and strontium inventory contained within the facility.
Mr. Oldfield served as PUREX Radiation Protection Manager during the facility’s deactivation phase. Deactivation of PUREX, EM’s first pilot project was completed 15 months ahead of schedule and $75 million under budget. Work included successfully shipping 190,000 gallons of contaminated nitric acid to the United Kingdom.