John Forbes
Proven Experience
John Forbes has thirty-five years of combined nuclear operations experience in the DOE Weapons Complex working at INL, KAPL, LANL, LLNL, NNSS, Pantex, RFETS, and WIPP; and for the U.S. Navy at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. He has expert-level knowledge in the use and implementation of 10 CFR 830, DOE O 420.1, DOE O 413.3, DOE-STD-3009, DOE-STD-1186, DOE-STD-1189, DOE-STD-3016 and related directives and standards.
Mr. Forbes has an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Virginia and a B.S. in Physics from Hampden-Sydney College. He has an inactive Q-Clearance
Sustainable Results
Mr. Forbes was assigned to the Safety Analysis Engineering Improvements and Training Directorate at Pantex and responsible for improvements to the DOE-STD-3016-2018 Hazard Analysis Reports for Nuclear Explosive Operations. He successfully received an approved NPO SER without COAs for DSA Change Package AB-20-78, Vision Elements 4.1 and 4.7 for the Sitewide Safety Analysis Report which addressed DNFSB recommendations. Specific improvements to address the DNFSB recommendations included developing performance criteria for Design Features and SACs.
As a Senior Engineering Consultant at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), Mr. Forbes provided the Statement of Work to design, fabricate, and install a safety significant continuous air monitoring system that automatically switches the 540,000 cfm Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System (SSCVS) from bypass to filtration. He also managed the technical reviews of SSCVS System Design Descriptions and addressed the DNFSB safety issues related to the timely actuation of the ventilation dampers.
As a Nuclear Safety Technical Lead at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), he was responsible for the integration of missions and projects (e.g., Subcritical Experiments) into HC-2 nuclear facilities as well as for the development of the Major Modification Assessments, the SDS, and Draft PDSA.
As the Operational Readiness and MC&A Program Manager for Bechtel at Nevada Test Site, he implemented Nuclear Criticality Safety Program for the NTS Radioactive Waste Management Site prior to Haz Cat 2 ORR; provided health physics oversight for the Dense Plasma Focus Neutron Accelerator Project; and managed the MC&A Program for accountable nuclear material.