Chris Sorenson
Proven Experience

Chris Sorensen has over thirty-two years of experience in nuclear operations and assessment of multiple aspects of a wide range of nuclear facilities including naval reactors, commercial reactors and various high-hazard DOE nuclear facilities.
Mr. Sorenson has a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering.
Sustainable Results

At the Hanford Tank Farms, Mr. Sorensen was a Facility Representative as well as an Acting Division Director for the Safety and Health Division. He was frequently an Assessment Team Leader, responsible for leading teams of evaluators in assessing and evaluating contractor performance in various functional and technical areas such as corrective action management, nuclear waste transfer piping integrity, nuclear waste transfer control system adequacy, etc.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mr. Sorensen served as a Senior Resident Inspector, responsible for assessing and evaluating compliance with NRC regulations at nuclear reactor facilities. Mr. Sorensen also served in the Navy, performing duties as a Nuclear Shift Test Engineer where he was responsible for reactor safety and conducting testing evolutions during overhaul of a naval submarine reactor plant.