Gregg Nishimoto
Proven Experience

Mr. Gregg Nishimoto has over 30 years of experience in the nuclear industry with a demonstrated ability to exceed deadlines while keeping costs within budget. His experience includes 7 years testing naval nuclear propulsion plants, over 23 years of managing high-profile projects at Rocky Flats and Hanford, and participation in numerous readiness assessments.
Mr. Nishimoto has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, both from the University of Southern California.
Sustainable Results

Mr. Nishimoto served as a Chief Test Engineer for three submarine overhauls receiving naval commendations. At DOE, he has managed many high-profile projects including remediation of plutonium in the ductwork, actinide solution processing, repackaging of plutonium residues, and solid waste removal from Hanford’s 200 Area, earning him a Secretary’s award for Superior Project Management.
He has served on several standard and policy-making committees for DOE Orders and Standards and has participated in numerous DOE Headquarters and site assessments at Rocky Flats and Hanford. He has also successfully responded to numerous Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board recommendations.