Rob Poche
Proven Experience
Mr. Robert Poche is a Senior Nuclear Safety Consultant and has over thirty-nine years of experience with the Department of Energy (DOE) and at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) power and production facilities. Robert has demonstrated leadership and expertise in development, review, and implementation of 10 CFR 830 compliant safety basis documents and hazards analysis, Operational Readiness Review (DOE O 425.1D), licensing and compliance for commercial nuclear power facilities (10 CFR Part 50), new nuclear facility licensing (10 CFR Parts 52 and 70), licensed plant operations, development and implementation of personnel performance and nuclear safety culture improvement initiatives.
Mr. Poche holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, an M.B.A. from Colorado State University, a Professional Engineer (PE) license in the state of Illinois, and a Project Management Certification (PMP). He also has an active Q-Clearance.
Sustainable Results
Mr. Poche has been actively involved in review of safety basis documents at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation for the Waste Treatment Plants High-Level Waste (HLW), Low-Activity Waste (LAW), and Laboratory Facility. Robert served as a key participant in review and approval of the initial DOE-STD-3009 Documented Safety Analysis (DSA) and Technical Safety Requirements (TSR) for the LAW Facility, and the subsequent DOE-STD-1228 DSA and TSR. As a Hazards Analysis Team Lead & Senior Nuclear Safety Consultant Mr. Poche identified and evaluated hazard and event conditions, consequences and identified candidate controls. He developed project procedures and guides for performing control set selection, supported periodic update of Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis (PDSA) and safety basis documents, developed and received approval of 10 CFR 830 compliant DSA and safety basis documents for WTP.
Mr. Poche participated in development of the hazards analysis at the Solid Waste Operations Complex (SWOC) facility and led hazards analysis development efforts at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and WTP facilities. He has provided expert USQ program implementation support at the Solid Waste Operations Complex (SWOC), and K West Basin facilities as a USQ trainer and mentor, and qualified evaluator. Mr. Poche was heavily involved in development of the initial master DSA and TSR for the SWOC facility, and the upgrade of the K West Basin facility safety basis documents to meet 10 CFR 830 requirements.