Mark Danna
Proven Experience
Mark Danna has over twenty-five years of experience in project engineering, reliability analysis, risk/hazards assessments, and safety basis development. He has extensive experience in safety analysis, licensing of DOE nuclear facilities, and providing technical support to DOE nuclear facilities. Mr. Danna has experience in research and development, product testing, facilities safety engineering, and quality assurance. He has a proven reputation in building, motivating, and managing highly effective work teams, which includes preparing and reviewing DOE STD-3009 (Documented Safety Analyses) DSAs and Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs). Mr. Danna has conducted and documented hazard analysis and has been a primary author of accident analysis and TSRs for non-reactor nuclear facilities in the DOE complex. Mr. Danna also has experience implementing and verifying adequate implementation of DSA/TSR controls in non-reactor nuclear facilities and preparing and reviewing USQ determinations. Mr. Danna is knowledgeable of DOE nuclear safety requirements including 10 CFR 830, DOE-STD-3009, DOE O 420.1B, DOE –STD-1189, DOE-STD-1186, and DOE-STD-1027.
Mr. Danna holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Sustainable Results
Mr. Danna served as Lead Author of the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) DSA for change management, configuration control, and implementation of safety basis document revisions. He managed and contributed to the development of hazards analyses, safety analyses and control set selection documentation that support revisions to the DSA and TSRs to support step-out of nuclear safety controls and accomplish demolition of the PFP nuclear facilities.
He has supported DOE and DOE contractors in the preparation, review, and approval of licensing and safety basis documentation for multiple nuclear facilities. At the Hanford Tank Farm, he Implemented and maintained the Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) process at the Hanford tank farms in accordance with regulatory requirements and DOE guidance documents. He mentored and trained staff in the development of USQ documentation and in support of maintenance and configuration control of the Hanford tank farms DSA. He also developed documentation for classification of controls, system descriptions, functional requirements, performance criteria and system evaluations and developed and maintained configuration control of TSRs and bases documentation.