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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Larry Romine

Proven Experience

Larry Romine
Larry Romine

Larry Romine has more than thirty-three years of nuclear facility experience including: planning, design, construction, start-up, operations, decommissioning, and environmental remediation. Over the last 16 years of Federal Service, Mr. Romine served as a Division Director and Level 4 Federal Project Director (projects greater than $400 Million) leading multi-disciplinary teams addressing complex challenges associated with plutonium stabilization, facility and waste site remediation, transuranic waste stabilization and disposition, and plutonium facility deactivation, decontamination, decommissioning, and demolition.

His expertise and skill set includes: strategic planning; life-cycle/performance baseline development; risk management; project evaluation and assessment; value engineering and trade-off analyses; CERCLA, RCRA, and NEPA regulatory analyses; and operational oversight. He has also supported Source Evaluation Boards and Statement of Work devolvement for Hanford Site prime contracts, negotiated Federal Facility Compliance Agreements, established and managed contractor/project performance incentives, served as a Contracting Officer’s Representative (Certification Level III), and performed oversight and programmatic integration of special nuclear material safeguards.

Mr. Romine has a Bachelor of Science Civil-Structural Engineering from the Oregon Institute of Technology; obtained Engineer-in-Training Certification; certified as a Level 4 (highest level) Federal Project Director under the Department of Energy Project Management Career Development Program; and completed courses in nuclear reactor design, nuclear facility and operational oversight, contract management, and project management. 

Sustainable Results


Mr. Romine has an exemplary track record throughout his career in delivering results on a wide spectrum of challenging first of kind projects and initiatives. He has been specifically selected to lead key agency projects due to his ability to define, analyze, resolve, and execute activities critical to mission success.

  • PUREX Deactivation, Environmental Management’s first pilot project completed 15 months early and $75 million under budget; included successful shipment of 190,000 gallons of contaminated nitric acid to the United Kingdom. A $49 million investment realized a mortgage savings of $189 million in just the first 10 years.
  • Recovered cesium capsules from commercial facilities while working with the Western Governors’ Association in proving transportation protocol for future shipments of transuranic waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
  • Established the performance baseline for the 324/327 Hot Cell Building Deactivation project near the Columbia River that led to removal of 6 million curies of radioactive material and timely completion of the project.
  • Completed stabilization of 17.4 metric tonnes of bulk plutonium bearing materials at the Plutonium Finishing Plant gaining favorable acknowledgement from the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board on a once troubled facility.
  • Completed the first “open air” demolition of the plutonium contaminated 233-S facility.
  • Initiated the 2004 Plan for Central Plateau Closure that became the basis for a majority of the Independent Government Estimate and technical approach for the $5 billion Plateau Remediation Contract and cleanup of the Central Plateau at Hanford, Washington.

Mr. Romine employs a broad range of techniques and approaches to ensure accountability and continuous improvement leading to mission success. Emphasis is placed on communication, understanding customer needs and views, determining issues and barriers, exploring alternatives, challenging constraining practices and behaviors, and then teaming to implement viable solutions.