Stacy Thursby
Proven Experience
Ms. Thursby holds a B.S. in Safety Management with a minor in Industrial Hygiene and is a Certified Safety Professional.
Stacy has incorporated Integrated Safety Management System principles within Industrial Hygiene analysis, sampling, review and reports to mitigate exposure risk to personnel and the environment working on the Hanford site. She has served on the National Board of Directors for the National Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association as the DOE Representative chairing the Awards and Achievement Committee.
Sustainable Results
As the Safety & Health Program Manager for AECOM, Ms. Thursby was the Industrial Hygiene Vapor Program Manager, responsible for the development of cost, scope and schedule for the implementation of an enhanced Industrial Hygiene Chemical and Vapor program. This included the development of a Chemical ALARA Manual with policies and procedures for advanced training, testing of new technology and evaluation of potential chemical and vapor exposures.
At the Waste Treatment Plant, Ms. Thursby was responsible for the development of cost, scope, and schedule for the implementation of Safety and Health Program, Voluntary Protection Program, Integrated Safety Management System and Safety Culture. The project status successfully progressed from a conditional to full DOE VPP Star Site within two years.
As Senior Environment, Safety and Health Advisor Ms. Thursby supported Federal and commercial contractors in the development and administration of safety systems and programs with emphasis in Integrated Safety Management System and the Voluntary Protection Programs.
As the Safety and Health Program Manager, Ms. Thursby was responsible for all programmatic safety and health policies, programs, and procedures to include ISMS and VPP, case management and injury/illness documentation 10 CFR 851 determination and contract award fee. The project earned the DOE VPP Star status in June of 2009 along with the URS Washington Division Safe Project of the Year for 2008.
As an Environmental, Safety, and Health Administrator on the Yucca Mountain Project, Ms. Thursby developed a best in class behavior-based safety program for the Department of Energy involving ISM, VPP which resulted in a 50 percent reduction in incident rates.