Randy Smith
Proven Experience
Mr. Randy Smith has over 35 years of experience in Naval Nuclear Power operations, maintenance and testing.Mr. Smith served in the US Navy from 1972 to 1981. He completed Machinists Mate “A” School, Nuclear Power School and Nuclear Prototype training on the A1W prototype before being assigned to the USS California (CGN36) in Norfolk, Va. Upon completion of the three year tour on the nuclear cruiser, Mr. Smith completed the Navy’s cryogenics school for LN2 and LO2 plants. His last active duty was on the USS Enterprise (CVN 65) as it entered a major overhaul at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS) in 1979. While assigned to the California and Enterprise as a nuclear mechanical operator, Mr. Smith qualified numerous watchstations associated with his rate including Engine Room Supervisor and Engineering Watch Supervisor.
Mr. Smith was hired by C/2340 at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in early 1981. He initially qualified as a Shift Test Engineer (STE) on S5W reactor plants, and as the Shipyard work shifted to other reactor plant designs, he expanded his qualifications as STE to include C1W, S6G and S8G reactor plants.
In addition to filling the STE role in the shipyard, Mr. Smith was assigned as the Nuclear Test Engineering Representative (NTER) for shipyard work at remote sites. As the NTER, Randy served as the Shipyard Representative responsible for work authorization, testing and operation for nuclear work performed outside the confines of the shipyard. This also included final certification of work and testing in accordance with Naval Standards. While acting as the NTER, Randy completed numerous assignments at Point Loma, Ca. on Los Angeles Class submarines, at Kings Bay, Ga. on Trident Class submarines and at the Navy’s nuclear prototype site at Kesselring, N.Y. and frequently interfaced directly with NAVSEA 08 to resolve issues not specifically addressed in NAVSEA approved documents during planning and execution of the project.
Mr. Smith retired from Puget Sound in 2008 and has an inactive secret clearance.
Sustainable Results
As an STE at Puget Sound, Mr. Smith was responsible for establishing nuclear plant conditions to perform repairs or modifications, as well as conducting acceptance testing following completion of repairs or modifications. While maintaining these qualifications, he filled a number of supervisory positions. These included Assistant Chief Test Engineer (ACTE) for Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning (SGCC), Planning Assistant Chief Test Engineer (PACTE) for S5W reactor plant inactivation, and PACTE for S8G refueling overhauls.
Mr. Smith served as the PACTE for numerous S8G projects including the first Ohio class refueling and conversion. As the PACTE for S3G reactor plants during the defueling/decommissioning of numerous SSN and SSBN submarines, Randy was instrumental in the preparation and issue of the procedure used to operate the installed main coolant pumps for the removal of decay heat in depressurized conditions to support defueling operations. He represented the Chief Test Engineer and served as a member of the Joint Test Group in matters regarding the review and approval of technical documents used to establish plant conditions for refueling and subsequent criticality testing. During assignment as the NTER when the “Manual For Control of Testing” was applicable, Randy served as the chairperson of the Joint Test Group. He also participated in initial criticality testing on the first two Trident Class refuelings as a Shift Test Supervisor. In the course of his career at the shipyard, Randy received several awards for “Sustained Superior Performance.”