Roger J. Mattson
Proven Experience

Roger Mattson
Dr. Mattson’s expertise is in nuclear safety, nuclear facility licensing, nuclear policies and standards, readiness reviews, risk management, quality assurance and emergency preparedness. He conducted and managed safety reviews for more than 110 nuclear power plants and other radiological facilities. He assisted the International Atomic Energy Agency by co-chairing the development of safety principles for nuclear power plants after the 1986 accident at Chernobyl (INSAG-3, updated to INSAG-12). He led the development of NRC’s new requirements after the accident at Three Mile Island in 1979. He has served on nuclear safety review boards for five operating nuclear power plants, the Rocky Flats decommissioning site and the DynEx Program at Los Alamos. He currently serves as vice chair of the Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee of the Advanced Test Reactor at Idaho National Laboratory. His Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering is from the University of Michigan.
Sustainable Results
Roger J. Mattson was an advisor to the NRC commissioners on policy issues, such as safety goals, safeguards, and Three Mile Island reforms, and led all licensing reviews of advanced nuclear energy systems from 1977 to 1984. Dr. Mattson assisted in onsite response to the accident at Three Mile Island and several other nuclear incidents. He has advised the top-level managers of NRC licensees, National Laboratories and DOE contractors on policy issues and decision-making in the nuclear safety field. He developed NRC licensing standards for safety, radiation protection and environmental protection of uranium fuel cycle facilities and waste management facilities. He participated in safety analysis and field reviews of nearly 150 nuclear facilities in the US, Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Far East.
In two periods, 1977-1980 and 1981-1984, he was Director of NRC divisions with responsibility for regulating radioactive waste management at all US nuclear power plants. He assisted the president of Maine Yankee and Connecticut Yankee in the decommissioning of two nuclear power plants. He led readiness reviews for startup of the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 and the Plant Rocky Flats Site, a special team established by Bechtel for the Hydrogen in Piping and Ancillary Vessels at the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant, and a myriad of other projects involving risk management, systems design and employee concerns at various DOE Sites.