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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Bruce Zimmerman

Proven Experience

Bruce ZimmermanMr. Zimmerman has over forty year’s experience in nuclear safety and licensing, nuclear engineering, test engineering, and nuclear operations support. He has served in numerous lead engineer positions, including oversight of contractor and engineering department personnel. He has extensive experience in nuclear safety, and is recognized as a subject matter expert in accident analysis methodology. His previous DOE program involvement includes the Waste Treatment Plant Project, Hanford Tank Farms, Hanford Site-Wide Environmental Restoration, N-Reactor, the Hanford Radioisotope Program, and the Fast Flux Test Facility.  He is a former Nuclear Navy officer, and was selected to serve on Adm. Hyman Rickover’s Washington DC engineering staff.

Mr. Zimmerman has B.S. and M.S. degrees in nuclear engineering from the University of Michigan and is a graduate of the Naval Reactors Reactor Engineering Program. He holds an M.B.A. degree from the University of Washington.

Sustainable Results

At the Hanford Tank Farms, Mr. Zimmerman had lead responsibility for the development and implementation of much of the accident analysis methodology for the Tank Farms Documented Safety Analysis, including being an author or peer reviewer of most of the Tank Farms accident analysis documents. Mr. Zimmerman was the Nuclear Safety lead for several Tank Farms projects, including construction of an interim waste storage facility, and various nuclear facility infrastructure upgrades. He was the Nuclear Safety coordinator for the 242-A Evaporator DSA upgrade, and was the lead for revising the 242-A Evaporator Facility Fire Hazards Analysis. He served as a member of the Single-Shell Tank Interim Stabilization Project consent decree technical support team, providing technical support for negotiations with DOE-RL, DOE-HQ, and the Washington State Department of Ecology. He has held USQ and JTWG qualifications, as well as Engineering Technical Manager qualification and signature authority.
Prior to working at the Hanford Tank Farms, Mr. Zimmerman held various Senior, Principal, and Senior-Principal Engineer positions involving nuclear system neutronic and thermal-hydraulic analysis, computer-based system simulation, nuclear plant test engineering, and advanced computer systems applications. He has served as a Chief Test Engineer and as an interim engineering section manager.
Mr. Zimmerman’s most recent assignment has been as a consultant to the DOE Office of River Protection, where has has helped provide oversight of the Waste Treatment Plant Project in the area of nuclear safety. Mr. Zimmerman has previously held Q and Secret clearances.