Alan Horner
Proven Experience
Mr. Horner has over 20 years of experience working in nuclear safety in a broad range of complex nuclear facilities including: production and fast reactor fuel fabrication facilities; diverse laboratory operations for examination of reactor fuels, irradiated materials, and cesium capsules; and decommissioning of some of most highly contaminated facilities at the Hanford site. Mr. Horner’s experience is primarily focused in providing leadership in developing Documented Safety Analysis and Technical Safety Requirements, documentation of readiness, supporting development and implementation of Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) programs including providing USQ Evaluator training. He has also contributed to facility safety in the capacity of lead criticality safety representative for fissionable material facilities with criticality alarm systems, system engineering for ventilation control and fire protection systems, and as the site laser safety officer. In addition to extensive experience providing technical support to Hanford Site contractors Mr. Horner has supported the Department of Energy (DOE) including the Office of River Protection as a Safety Basis Review Team member.
Mr. Horner has a Master of Science degree in Physics from the University of Central Florida with a focus in crystalline materials and nonlinear optics and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics from the University of Nevada Reno.
Sustainable Results
Mr. Horner’s work, primarily as the lead nuclear safety engineer in the Hanford Site 300 Area, has been deactivation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities with millions of curies ranging from fuel fabrication to research. Activities include: integrating safety in remediation design, performing hazards identification and analysis, control selection, performing fire hazards analysis, interpreting requirements, interfacing with DOE and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB). Challenges in deactivation and decommissioning include unanticipated facility conditions, discovery of substantial legacy contamination, and evolving controls to address changing facility risks and available controls. This results in the need for regular and timely revision of safety analysis and controls along with thorough implementation and change control to minimize delay in performing the remediation and avoiding potential control violations. Mr. Horner’s proficient management of the safety analysis and controls has maintained the authorization basis during the safe remediation and cleanup of the majority of the 300 area facilities. The remediation met milestones and earned fees for cost efficiency, while achieving a high degree of compliance and maintaining active communication with regulators.
As system engineer, Mr. Horner’s attention to detail greatly improved accuracy of system documentation, identified components not previously tested, reactivated partial systems taken out of service for adjoining structure demolition to provide needed coverage, performed troubleshooting and repair of faulty circuitry, and comprehensively tested the ventilation interlocks.