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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Paul Macbeth

Proven Experience

Paul Macbeth
Paul Macbeth

Paul Macbeth has over thirty years of direct professional experience in nuclear safety and waste management, dealing with diverse topics and complex issues, including assessment of environmental impacts from waste management activities, cryogenic storage of radioactive krypton, remediation of uranium mill tailings sites and contaminated Federal facilities, waste classification and associated risk assessment, as well as design and operational experience at a commercial nuclear power plant. Mr. Macbeth has provided senior level expertise in transportation and packaging, nuclear and criticality safety and documented safety analyses, as well as radioactive and mixed waste management in review and oversight functions for DOE/RL. He has direct expertise in preparation and review of USQ determinations at both a commercial nuclear power plant (Columbia Generating Station) and at Hanford nuclear facilities.

He also developed and delivered training to qualify Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) Evaluator personnel, integrated facility and transportation USQ review procedures, and reviewed annual USQ report submittals to DOE for compliance with 10CFR830 requirements for Hanford waste management facilities. Mr. Macbeth has served as a team member on various contractor and DOE –level readiness reviews and assessments as a safety basis expert and has documented the bases for DOE approval of Authorization Basis documents in Safety Evaluation Reports.

Mr. Macbeth has a Master of Science degree in Nuclear Physics from Brigham Young University and completed most of the course work for the Ph.D. degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Utah.

Sustainable Results


Mr. Macbeth’s oversight has helped ensure compliance with applicable DOE, EPA, State of Washington, NRC, and DOT regulatory requirements and guidelines through review and assessment of design, safety, NEPA, RCRA and budgetary documentation. His efforts produced an approved Transportations Safety Document for the Hanford site that supports safe and efficient movement of the broad spectrum of hazardous and radioactive material requiring transport to facilitate remediation and site closure.

Through Mr. Macbeth’s guidance, a framework has been approved by regulators and oversight organizations and established to safely remediate a former waste burial ground immediately adjacent to the commercial nuclear power plant at Hanford. His comprehensive preparation and senior-level review of safety analysis and authorization basis documents for High-Level, Low-Level and Transuranic Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel treatment, storage and disposal facilities and transportation methods have helped ensure that the nuclear safety envelopes are well-defined, appropriately approved, and maintained in a robust mannersupporting robust nuclear operations while ensuring that the hazards and risks associated with management of nuclear facilities and materials remain within the established controls and limits.