Sherry Weld
Proven Experience
Ms. Weld has more than 30 years of experience in the United States Federal government and Navy (nuclear), performing management and technical functions ranging from directing startup, operations and testing of nuclear reactor power systems to project management oversight of the design, construction, and startup of new and unique nuclear process facilities and deactivation and decommissioning of multiple nuclear weapon production facilities.
Ms. Weld graduated from Trend Business College in Administration and holds a Foundational Certification from the Association for Proposal Management Professionals.
Sustainable Results
Ms. Weld provided direct technical support to Federal Project Directors and Program Managers of high risk, high hazard nuclear facility startup, characterization, cleanup, and removal. This support included the development of project documentation for the tailoring and implementation of project management requirements for Critical Decisions, developing line management review plans and reports, preparing for technology readiness assessments, Independent Project Reviews, and nuclear facility readiness assessments / operational readiness reviews and readiness assessments.
She has 15 years’ experience in high hazard, nuclear processing material stabilization and disposition planning and execution. Activities included the development and review of plans and procedures for facility characterization, sampling and analysis, waste acceptance (onsite and at offsite receiver locations), risk identification, analysis, and periodic reviews. Support included reviews of contractor hazard identification, accident analysis, and control decision documentation supporting nuclear safety approvals for operations and step-out of safety controls during cleanup and closure.
Ms. Weld also has 20 years’ experience in work planning, baseline development and baseline change control, project controls (EVMS), integrated safety management, procedures, directing operations, and project performance and reporting.