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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Robert E Richardella

Proven Experience

Bob Richardella
Bob Richardella

Bob Richardella has worked in technical and management positions in the design, construction, licensing, startup, operation, and closure of DOE, NRC and Naval Reactors facilities for more than 30 years. His operations experience includes shift manager assignments at Bettis and at the Expended Core Facility, operations manager for Rocky Flats chemical processing facilities, management of the Rocky Flats Engineering department, and plant manager responsible for the preliminary design and Preliminary Safety Analysis Report phases of a medical isotope production facility. Mr. Richardella was the project manager and responsible for the facility manager functions for the closure of Area 4 at Rocky Flats that included the D&D of three Category Cat 2 nuclear facilities. He is a past Chair of EFCOG’s D&D and Facility Engineering Working Group.  His operations work continues in a current assignment to develop and implement a graded formality of operations program for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Mr. Richardella is qualified to DOE-O-425.1D, Verification of Readiness to Start Up or Restart Nuclear Facilities, as a Team Member and Team Leader for Verification of Readiness and has led or supported readiness reviews at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Facility, TA-55 and Area G at Los Alamos, Bettis, and the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant at the Idaho National Laboratory.

Mr. Richardella has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and is a graduate of the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory Nuclear Plant Engineering School. He holds an active DOE Q-Clearance.

Sustainable Results


Mr. Richardella has applied experience gained over his career to implement technical and operational improvements and solutions at a number of DOE facilities. He applied his engineering, operations, and safety background to the curriculum and course content development in his role as Safety Training Program Manager at the National Training Center. He developed Deactivation and Decommissioning plans for the L-Building and the Material Examination Laboratory hot cell complex at Bettis using processes and lessons learned during the closure of the Rocky Flats nuclear facility. He successfully managed the subcontracting, technical content and on-time delivery of the preliminary design and preliminary safety analysis report for the SHINE Medical Isotopes project to produce Mo-99 using an accelerator-based approach with low enriched uranium as the source.

Mr. Richardella is currently implementing a graded formality of operations for a non-nuclear DOE facility that includes a configuration management program, a maintenance management program, and a conduct of engineering program.