Gary Kaplan
Proven Experience
Gary Kaplan has over twenty-five years of nuclear experience providing safety analysis, licensing, fire protection, emergency preparedness and operation support services for projects involving DOE and commercial nuclear facilities, and facilities with coal combustion residuals. He has extensive nuclear engineering and safety analysis experience with Department of Energy (nuclear and chemical) and commercial nuclear facilities, 10CFR830, 10CFR70 and implementing standards and guides.
Mr. Kaplan has an M.E. and a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Florida. He has an inactive Q-Clearance.
Sustainable Results
Mr. Kaplan has provided a wide range of services including management and development of License Application for the NRC, Safety Analysis Reports, safety assessments, accident and hazard analyses, Technical Safety Requirements, and other risk-related studies, and DOE safety analysis related review support. His projects have involved many types of facilities including the Hanford LAWPS and DFLAW facilities, GE Fuel Manufacturing Facility, Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, Uranium Conversion Facility, DOE’s Centralized Interim Storage Facility, several reactor and non-reactor facilities at the Savannah River Site, nuclear facilities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a reactor at Brookhaven National Laboratory, spent fuel facilities at Hanford Site, surface facilities at Yucca Mountain, and commercial reactors at Arkansas Nuclear One Units 1 and 2 and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.
As a Manager/Supervisor for Duke Engineering & Services, Mr. Kaplan was responsible for the preparation of the Integrated Safety Analysis for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility. Responsibilities included managing the effort of more 20 safety analysts to develop the safety analysis for the facility and included interfacing with the design, criticality, and licensing organizations, ensuring the results of the safety analysis were accurately integrated into the design, demonstrating that the facility design and operation satisfies the requirements of 10CFR70.61, presenting information to the NRC, DOE, and ACRS. Significant evaluations performed to support the ISA included safety evaluations, consequence analyses, process hazards analyses and likelihood evaluations.
Mr. Kaplan managed the Safety Assessment of the High Flux Beam Reactor at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The assessment comprehensively evaluated all areas of plant safety, operation, and maintenance to determine if the HFBR is safe to restart and operate and assessed implementation of the current SAR, Technical Safety Requirements, and USQ program.
Mr. Kaplan supported the development of safety analysis documentation, including Safety Analysis Reports, hazards analyses, criticality safety analyses, explosion analyses, chemical hazards analyses, fault tree analyses, fire hazard and fire risk analyses, and design criteria compliance reviews at the Savannah River Site’s (SRS) Technology Center.ion.