Craig Sprain
Proven Experience

Craig Sprain has thirty years of nuclear and utility industry and related experience including nuclear and utility facility operation, maintenance and regulation. He has expert level knowledge of 10CFR830, Part B, Nuclear Safety Management, program development and implementation; as well as related Department of Energy (DOE) guidance and safe harbor methods. This includes Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) Process, Documented Safety Analysis (DSA) and Technical Safety Requirement (TSR) development and implementation, programmatic assessment, event and root cause analysis, and corrective action development and evaluation. Additionally, he has project and personnel management experience and has evaluated and implemented Quality Assurance Programs.
Mr. Sprain has a B.S. and M.S. in Chemistry from San Jose State University.
Sustainable Results

Mr. Sprain has developed and reviewed the spectrum of nuclear safety bases documents required by 10CFR 830 to support nuclear operations, transportation and environmental clean-up at Rocky Flats, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Hanford, Oak Ridge, Sandia Laboratory and Argonne Laboratory. This includes serving as client interface with DOE regarding resolution of DSA and TSR comments and negotiating ultimate regulatory approval.
Mr Sprain also develops and implements Operational Readiness Assessment plans and performs programmatic assessments of Spent Nuclear Fuel Management, Consolidation of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) and TRU Waste Management, Transport and Consolidation programs. Mr. Sprain has configured and conducted root cause analysis, event analyses and corrective actions for the Davis Besse, Clinton Station, Maine Yankee, and Indian Point nuclear power plants in response to significant facility events.