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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Richard L. Black

Proven Experience

Dick BlackRichard L. Black has over 35 years experience in nuclear regulation and nuclear safety. He is a recognized expert in nuclear licensing and standards. Recently, he was a key leader and manager in establishing the Department of Energy’s Small Modular Reactor (SMR) program. His background demonstrates excellent leadership, communications, team building and organizational skills. As Director, Office of Nuclear Safety and Standards, Mr. Black developed and implemented DOE’s Nuclear Safety Rule, 10 CFR Part 830 and as Director, Office of Nuclear Safety Enforcement, developed and implemented DOE’s Nuclear Safety Enforcement Rule, 10 CFR Part 820.

Sustainable Results

Mr. Black was the first director of The Office of Advanced Reactor Concepts within the Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) which is responsible for the research, development and deployment of advanced reactor technologies, including SMRs and fast reactor. He was responsible for developing a plan that implemented NE’s Research, Development and Deployment Roadmap for advanced reactor and was instrumental in establishing DOE’s SMR program. Mr. Black has demonstrated a chain of leadership and results in the nuclear area that has been both varied and demanding. As an attorney at the NRC, Mr. Black led the NRC environmental and safety licensing case for numerous nuclear power plants and several fuel reprocessing facilities before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. As the Director, DOE Office of Nuclear Safety Policy and Standards, he was responsible for all of DOE’s nuclear and facility safety rules, Orders, standards and guidance documents. He was the lead DOE official to develop the Implementation Plan for three Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Recommendations. As Director, Office of Advanced Reactor Concepts, Mr. Black was responsible for developing the internal and external support for DOE’s Small Modular Reactor Program, a $452M public/private partnership. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an effective ability to build coalitions, to get results, and to meet objectives and schedules in a variety of complex and technical undertakings.