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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Mark Jackson

Proven Experience

Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson has over 20 years of experience implementing DOE nuclear safety requirements, including safety analysis, risk assessment, transportation safety, program management and compliance with 10CFR 830, Subpart B, Nuclear Safety Management. His primary effort has been supporting the development, review and approval of safety basis documents; Documented Safety Analyses, Technical Safety Requirements, and Unreviewed Safety Question implementation. Additional experience includes operational readiness reviews, corrective action development and completion, ISMS implementation certification reviews, and hazard categorizations for unique environmental restoration activities. Mr. Jackson has been a lead nuclear engineer and Team Lead for the Department of Energy Richland Operations Office Authorization Basis Team. Mr. Jackson has B.S. degrees in Medical Technology, Mathematics, and Mechanical Engineering, and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering.

Sustainable Results

Mr. Jackson has reviewed and effected revisions to a variety of 10CFR 830 safety basis documents in support of achieving final safety basis approval. Nuclear facilities reviewed range from fuel processing laboratories and plutonium processing facilities to remediation of a variety of burial grounds. Products included the spectrum of nuclear safety bases documents required by 10CFR 830 to support final hazard categorization, nuclear operations, placement into long term surveillance, deactivation/demolition, transportation, and environmental clean-up at the Hanford Site. His involvement facilitated resolution of Hazard Categorization, DSA and TSR comments leading to regulatory approval, with extensive interface with DNFSB staff. Prior to the creation of the Office of River Protection, Mr. Jackson acted as independent DOE oversight in the development and DOE review of the Hanford tank farm safety basis documents, providing assurance that the safety basis documents were adequate for management approval.