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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Kathy Lehew

Proven Experience

Kathy Lehew
Kathy Lehew

Kathy Lehew has extensive experience with nuclear engineering, nuclear facility operations and nuclear safety bases. She has held several engineering and faciity operations management positions at the Savannah River Site, Idaho and Rocky Flats. As a shift supervisor for a naval nuclear aircraft carrier prototype in Idaho, she was responsible for all aspects of operation of the 2 reactor plants and training naval personnel in the operation of the plants. As a Reactor Supervisor at DOE’s Savannah River site, she was certified as a Control Room and Building Supervisor for the site’s nuclear production reactors. In this capacity, she supervised approximately 30 people responsible for all aspects of operations and maintenance of the reactor plant. At the Rocky Flats site, she served in a series of engineering positions with ever-increasing responsibilities, including maintenance engineer, systems engineering manager, Engineering and Technical Support Manager, and finally Deputy Project Manager for Building 371, a major plutonium processing facility.

Ms. Lehew holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration degree as well as the equivalent of a Masters in Nuclear Engineering through Naval Reactors program. She has a Q-Clearance.

Sustainable Results


As the Deputy Project Manager at Rocky Flats’ Building 371, Ms. Lehew was responsible for all projects in the facility, including several nuclear material processing projects, baseline maintenance and operations, safety and regulatory compliance, and numerous construction projects (total budget approximately $50 Million annually). As the Engineering and Technical Support Manager, she was responsible for engineering, nuclear and criticality safety support, training, procedures, and program technical support for the facility. Ms. Lehew was responsible for the technical safety basis of the facility, including design basis and the authorization basis as approved by the Department of Energy. She developed and implemented a new authorization basis for the facility which served as the primary safety documentation for nuclear material stabilization and packaging and deactivating, decontaminating, decommissioning and demolishing the facility.