Ed Adams
Proven Experience
Ed Adams has over 39 years of experience in the nuclear industry with approximately 29 years in Radiological Control Management. Throughout Mr. Adams’ career he specialized in improving poor performing Radiological Control Programs. Areas of expertise include tracking and trending programs, radiological metrics, change management, and improving Radiological Conduct of Operations, Management Observation Programs, Assessments, Corrective Action Management and Leadership Development. On several occasions, Mr. Adams has successfully prepared various Hanford facilities and projects for Operational Readiness Reviews (ORR) conducted by the government.
Sustainable Results
Mr. Adams managed the CH2MHill Radiation Protection Program for three years and then transferred to the Closure/Retrieval Project at the request of the Senior Vice-President of operations to fix problems associated with the Closure/Retrieval Project Radiation Protection Program.
Mr. Adams assumed the position of Radiation Protection Manager following an Enforcement Action (Consent Order) that identified several corrective actions, including one DOE concern, several Level 1 DOE findings, multiple Level 2 DOE findings, and over 300 findings associated with the WRPS Radiological Controls (RadCon) Program. Mr. Adams’ responsibilities included managing over 400 Radiological Control personnel in addition to correcting the above identified deficiencies. Two years into his tenure, the Consent Order was satisfied and all corrective actions were closed after a rigorous endpoint assessment concluded all deficiencies were corrected.