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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Dr. Ines Triay

Proven Experience

Ines Triay
Ines Triay

ISMSolutions has partnered with Florida International University (FIU) for the services of Dr. Ines Triay. Dr. Triay was nominated and confirmed by President Barack Obama and the U.S. Senate as DOE’s seventh Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management. She directed the Environmental Management Program of the Department of Energy, the largest and most technically complex environmental cleanup program in the world. The EM Program involves a $250 billion lifecycle cost, $6 billion annual budget, 34,000-employee workforce, over two million acres, 114 sites located in 35 states, thousands of structures to demolish, tens of thousands soil/groundwater areas to remediate, and millions of cubic meters of radioactive waste to dispose.

Dr. Triay has a B.S. and a Ph.D. in Chemistry.

Sustainable Results


Most notably, Dr. Triay established an aggressive environmental cleanup vision and defended and acquired $6B in additional funding to the EM Program through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This resulted in unparalleled progress in cleaning the United States’ Cold War nuclear waste, materials, and facilities at sites across the country, reducing its footprint nationwide by 464 square miles–50 percent of the total amount to be cleaned up under the program in 2009. This cleanup was accomplished years ahead of schedule and millions of dollars under budget.