Jeff Ranschau
Proven Experience
Mr. Jeff Ranschau has over twenty-five years of experience in safety basis document development and implementation, and industrial hygiene/safety program development and operations oversight at Department of Energy (DOE) sites including Hanford, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Savannah River Site (SRS), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). He is a Nuclear Safety Engineer with significant experience in the development and maintenance of Documented Safety Analyses (DSAs), Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs), and safety basis support documents at DOE sites. He has developed safety basis documents to implement the requirements of 10 CFR 830 and associated DOE orders, standards, and guides including DOE-STD-3009. He has also developed safety basis documents for transuranic (TRU) waste operations that implement the controls and technical information of DOE-STD-5506.
Mr. Ranschau has a B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering Technology and a Master of Industrial Safety/Hygiene from the University of Minnesota.
Sustainable Results
Mr. Ranschau was recognized for his contributions in the successful shipment of the first remote-handled TRU waste containers from the Idaho National Laboratory site to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site. He worked with the criticality safety engineers in developing and implementing criticality safety evaluations and criticality safety controls. Additionally, he collaborated with transportation and fire protection engineers to determine applicable controls for the safe storage, handling, and transport of hazardous waste.
Mr. Ranschau has performed hazard identification and analysis and evaluation of potential accidents for various projects and facilities at DOE sites to mitigate the consequences and determine appropriate controls to protect the offsite public and onsite workers. As the primary nuclear safety engineer for the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) facility at ORNL, he performed hazard and accident analyses of potential radiological and chemical hazards at the facility including potential exposures to hazardous concentrations of fluorine/hydrogen fluoride.
Mr. Ranschau developed and implemented safety basis documents for the processing of contact-handled transuranic (TRU) and remote-handled TRU waste containers including container remediation, repackaging, sampling, and venting of potentially pressurized TRU waste containers at INL and SRS that implemented the controls and technical information of DOE-STD-5506.