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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Keith Christopher

Proven Experience

Keith ChristopherFor a period of almost 10 years from 2003 through 2011, Mr. Christopher was a member of the CH2M Hill Inc. Senior Management Executive Team serving as the Senior Vice President for Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE). In this capacity, Mr. Christopher was responsible for the Corporation’s enterprise wide Health, Safety, Environment & Quality programs.
Mr. Christopher has 28 years of experience in the nuclear industry. He began his career with the U.S. Navy in the Office of Naval Intelligence serving aboard the USS John F. Kennedy, USS Eisenhower, USS Nimitz, and USS America. He holds a Juris Doctor Degree from Temple University. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and District of Columbia bar associations.

Sustainable Results

Mr. Christopher spent 11 years with the Department of Energy (DOE) as the Director of the Office of Price Anderson Enforcement. In that capacity, he was the architect of DOE’s successful nuclear safety enforcement program. As the Senior Vice President for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) at CH2MHill, Mr. Christopher re-engineered the company’s HSSE management systems corporate structure and, within five years, achieved a 64 percent reduction in Total Recordable Rate (TRR) and 74 percent reduction in Days Away-Restricted or Transferred case rate.

Mr. Christopher also worked for 11 years in the commercial nuclear power industry serving as the Regional Director for Investigations and Enforcement Officer at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Region I Office. He was one of the lead investigators in the Three Mile Island (TMI) Unit 2 accident investigation and led numerous complex and sensitive investigations, the resolution of which led to the decision to permit re-start of the undamaged TMI Unit I reactor.