John Tidd
Proven Experience
John Tidd began his career at Pantex quickly becoming a Qualified Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) Reviewer, Expert Evaluator, Evaluator, and Screener. He has Authorization Basis Analyst I & II qualifications and experience as Document Custodian for a Documented Safety Analysis. John quickly became a facility expert at Pantex supporting changes across the plant including construction and maintenance. After spending about 2.5 years supporting facilities, to continue learning and increase the scope of knowledge available to John for him to leverage, moved to supporting the programs at Pantex. Spending his final 1.5 years supporting the program mission at Pantex through the Safety Basis.
John has completed training courses up to SBA-240 TSR Review and Approval and holds a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Texas at Dallas.
Sustainable Results
John’s experience has enabled him to successfully evaluate construction packages with multi-faceted systems designs (Fire Suppression, Structural, Bonding, etc.,) to ensure design requirements are met and has developed and coordinated Change Packages through completion. Additionally, the experience he obtained through working on facilities quickly transferred to work on the programs mission at Pantex using his Evaluator and Reviewer qualification. In addition to USQ support, John supported many changes packages as well, including the development of a change package that made changes throughout the largest DSA document going forward through DOE without receiving any COAs, PI, or any other comments. John in addition to developing change packages also provided peer and technical comments for a broad scope of different change packages.
In addition to John’s Safety Basis work, he also developed a Visual Basic Excel program with a graphic user interface to allow the systematic process of creating design change package proposals. John also created other programs to help support the USQ program mission at Pantex as well.