Greg Tidd
Proven Experience
Mr. Greg Tidd has over thirty years of nuclear engineering experience. He has developed and provided oversight for Hazard Analyses, Integrated Safety Analyses, Accident Analyses, Engineering Change Packages, Justifications for Continued Operations, Technical Safety Requirements, Unreviewed Safety Questions, Documented Safety Analyses, and Safety Evaluation Reports. He has supported operations at the DOE Hanford, Savannah River, Rocky Flats, Pantex, Fernald, Mound, Idaho National Engineering facilities. He also has Part 50 commercial nuclear experience at Florida Power and Light, Oyster Creek Power and Cooper Nuclear. Additionally, he has Part 70 commercial nuclear experience at Urenco USA National Enrichment Facility and License for the unbuilt GE-Hitachi (SILEX) plant.
Mr. Tidd has a B.S. in Physics from the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.
Sustainable Results
As an Accident Analyst for the Savannah River Site (SRS, Mr. Tidd authored the Accident Analysis calculation for the new F-Canyon Documented Safety Analysis. Obtaining DOE approval was significant in that 1) this represented SRNS’s first use of DOE-STD-3011-2016 and DOE-STD-3009-2014 in an SRNS facility and (2) the approach used to calculate consequences following a seismic event used an innovative, first of a kind, analysis approach that was coordinated with the Structural Mechanics group. The implementation of this new Safety Basis allowed SRNS to downgrade the canyon exhaust and supporting systems from Safety Significant (SS) to General Service (GS).
As a Senior Consulting Licensing Engineer to the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant, Mr. Tidd was assigned as Team Lead for the development of the Safety Design Strategy for the High-Level Waste Melter. The successful document was the basis for restarting design work on a facility where work had been halted for more than two years.
As a Sectional Engineer in Authorization Basis (Licensing) Department at BWXT Pantex, Mr. Tidd served as the Lead Licensing Engineer to re-write the Pantex Safety Analysis Reports to reconcile Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board and DOE (regulatory) technical issues with the existing analysis.
At the National Enrichment facility, in Eunice, New Mexico, Mr. Tidd was both as a Senior Consulting Licensing Engineer and Systems Engineer. As Licensing Engineer, he successfully served as Lead Senior Licensing Engineer and the resulting Licensing Amendments were accepted and approved by the NRC. As a System Engineer, he prepared Quality Level-1 nuclear safety calculations in Air Dispersion Modeling, Source Term Development, and accident leak rates from natural phenomena events such as seismic, tornado, tornado missile, and high winds to support the development of License Amendment Requests to the NRC.
For the B&W Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas, he prepared the ten-year update of the calculations for the external events under DOE-STD-3014.
For GE-Hitachi, Wilmington, North Carolina, he was the Lead Accident Consequence Analysis Engineer for the GE Laser Enrichment Facility where he prepared a series of calculations for all postulated accidents. The calculations included stack releases, Uranium and Hydrogen Fluoride releases using the RASCAL dispersion model, piping failures, fires, external hazards (DOE-STD-3014), and seismic events. These calculations were submitted to the NRC in the Initial Licensing Application for the facility.