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Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business

Small Disadvantaged Business

GSA Contract # 47QRAA21D0087
SIN # 541620, 541690, 541330ENG, 541330EMI, 562910RMI

Alan Ramble

Proven Experience

Alan RambleAlan Ramble has over thirty plus (30+) years of experience as an Engineering and Nuclear Safety Manager. He has the demonstrated ability to improve product quality and delivery while coordinating the activities of contractor facility, project, and staff personnel, as well as DOE personnel. His major strengths are safety analysis skills, significant project management leadership, broad technical experience, team building, and the ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
Mr. Ramble has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle.

Mr. Amerine furthered his career in the commercial nuclear power industry throughout the 1980’s, first as the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) vendor, Combustion Engineering, Site Manager at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station during startup and then as Assistant Vice President at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. There he led special, interdisciplinary task forces for complex problem resolutions involving engineering and operations during the recovery period back in the late 1980’s. From the Davis-Besse experience, Mr. Amerine went on to a series of leadership and executive positions in the nuclear industry.

Mr. Amerine has a B.S. in Nuclear Physics and an M.S. degree in Management. He has an inactive Q-Clearance.Alan Ramble

Sustainable Results

As the CH2MHill Director for Nuclear Operations Support & Compliance at Hanford, Mr. Ramble was responsible for the Plateau Remediation Company (PRC) Nuclear Safety, Criticality Safety, and Transportation Safety Departments, programs, processes, and procedures. He provided oversight and direction for the development, maintenance, and implementation of Safety Basis documents for 18 Hazard Category II facilities and 2 Hazard Category III facilities within the Plateau Remediation Project at the Hanford Site.
As the Director for Nuclear and Criticality Safety at Fluor Hanford, Mr. Ramble created a centralized Nuclear and Criticality Safety Department. He completed revision and approval of Documented Safety Analyses for twenty Hazard Category II and III nuclear facilities, as required for 10 CFR 830 Subpart B implementation. These Documented Safety Analyses were approved and implemented at a cost less than half of the original estimate of twenty million dollars. He also created a standard accident analysis tool, Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment Handbook, for Hanford, which reduced cost and schedule deviations for analysis. He was a key contributor to Inactive Waste Site Analysis approved by DOE-HQ for use across the DOE complex. Approval of this analysis saved three million dollars in implementation costs for 10 CFR 830 Subpart B.